Smart Energy

We deliver Everywhere!

We cover a wide range of Solar projects
(ground mounted, carports or rooftop)
combined with Battery Storage and
backups. The applications cover:

Micro-grid projects for users located far
from the national grid or connected to an
unstable grid. Typical examples are
islands, rural electrification projects,
mining industries...

Grid-connected Solar plants with or
without storage for Commercial and
Industrial application

Grid services (e.g. spinning reserve) with
Battery Energy Storage Systems.

We also integrate Solar Lighting solutions
and Electrical Vehicle Chargers.

We deliver Everywhere!

We cover a wide range of Solar projects (ground
mounted, carports or rooftop) combined with Battery
Storage and backups. The applications cover:

Micro-grid projects for users located far from the
national grid or connected to an unstable grid.
Typical examples are islands, rural electrification
projects, mining industries...

Grid-connected Solar plants with or without storage
for Commercial and Industrial application

Grid services (e.g. spinning reserve) with Battery
Energy Storage Systems.

We also integrate Solar Lighting solutions and
Electrical Vehicle Chargers.